Check at least a week before race day to confirm rostered duty crew will attend.
Remind them to find a replacement if not available & let you know who is taking their place. They can use whatsapp message board to request other members to swap/replace them.
Read attached sheet on the new aggregate handicap system
Familiarise with the six CYC Division/Aggregate course sheets. Note: Races must be conducted as full course laps and the number of laps per division recorded on the race result sheet (this is mandatory!).
Familiarise yourself with the on-water safety procedures (& CovidSafe procedures)
The following mentors are available to support the OOD on the day
Katie Holroyd
Michael Hart
Brian Walton
Doug Telford
Gordon Burrell
Meet duty crew 2 hours before start.
Rule up and put out sign on book/sheets on bench near the bar.
Check weather report from Bureau of Meteorology, and use TV display in the Club room.
If a Gale warning or higher as issued by the BOM is current on the day of the race, the race is cancelled.
Choose course type according to weather conditions.
Ideally have the boats going around the outer mark with the tide. If not possible, consider an inner buoy for the smaller boats or smaller course/close to shore & greater number of laps per division. See attachment for recommended course by tide & wind direction.
If Optimists or juniors are racing, they do not compete in the CYC Aggregate, a short course inner buoy must be laid. Optis cannot compete in a race if the wind strength is 15 knots or greater. Optis also must sail inshore, have a dedicated patrol boat and never further than 0.5nm mile from the Club.
Conduct Race Committee Meeting 90 minutes before start.
This meeting is to determine course settings and advise members on duty.
Please consult course sheets as the wrong course will invalidate the CYC Aggregate race.
Put course and other Supplementary Instructions on whiteboard.
Conduct briefing 30 minutes before start.
Include club/social announcements.
Remind all skippers they must have a signed Safety Compliance to compete.
Remind skippers and crew regarding minimising the risk of boats and trailers left unattended causing damage to boats and injury to members and the public.
Fill in Race sheet with basic details (Race Name/number, people on Duty)
Ensure number of laps per division is recorded on the result sheets including any shorten course. Shorten course can only be done from the final mark before the finish line.
Race result sheet must be completed for all races including reason for cancelled or abandoned races.
After the Race
Ensure that all boats and crews are safe ashore.
Ensure that all boats have signed off and collect sign off sheets.
Announce provisional results.
File results, sign on/off sheets, incident reports etc. in race result folder.
Photo/scan race result and timing sheets including reasons for abandoned or cancelled races. Please send phots/pdf scanned files to